It’s your life, are you really living it?



Photo of Lucy White smiling. I have long brown hair and glasses. I'm wearing a pale green flowered shirtI’m Lucy White. I work with women nonprofit executives who want to overcome stress and self-doubt so they can boldly claim calm, confident leadership their way. I help them figure out what needs to change so that they can once again love their work and love their lives. 

Perhaps you are feeling the need to make immediate changes, to find more alignment with your true inner values. Or perhaps you simply want more space, calm, or satisfaction at work or in your life, but don’t know where to start.

You’re in the right place. I can help with support, tools, and accountability. I’ll walk the path to confidence and calm with you. Ready to start? 


Individual Coaching

At some point, you have a light bulb moment.

Your life is fine, it’s just not what you dreamed it would be. Things are off—job, relationships, or creative life—they aren’t working anymore. Stress and self-doubt are taking a toll. You have a growing sense of discomfort that you can’t ignore any longer. It’s time to make some changes so you can be the leader you want to be. And, to have the career you deserve and live the life you really want, you have to take that first step.

But you don’t have to do it alone.

I will support you to find your path. We will work together to unearth your personal values and uncover inner barriers and beliefs that have limited your potential. You will choose goals and actions in alignment with who you are and the life you desire. And, I offer accountability to bolster you along the way.

When you’re ready to start on your journey, click the button below.


Work with Me 

Mental Fitness Programs

Registration opens in September

Like our bodies need activity to keep physically fit, our minds can also benefit from a workout.

My Mental Fitness Programs are tailored for nonprofit leaders and your specific challenges. We identify your strongest inner critics “Saboteurs” that cause self-doubt, stress, and upset. You learn how to tap into your “Sage” wisdom by strengthening your emotional self-command.

You’ll feel calmer and more confident.

You’ll lead with inspiration and impact.

Make a commitment now to grow your mental fitness.


Join the Waitlist




I feel so lucky to have Lucy as a leadership coach. Up With Women has experienced significant growth, nationally, which brought the challenge of learning to transition from CEO of a growing, smaller, entrepreneurial charity to that of a medium sized established national organization.
Working with Lucy to learn to navigate and lead this organization to greater scale, structure and complexity, while building the skills to manage energy levels, wellness and balance as a leader has been critical to our success. — Lia Grimanis, CEO, Up with Women