The light returns and other happy thoughts Winter solstice is today and, at last, the light returns!As a dear friend says, one of the benefits of getting older is that winter goes by so much faster than it used to. Still, knowing the sun is on the return has to be one of the year’s […]

I told everyone, “I’m taking the summer off!” And boy was I excited! I was planning a summer of fun and adventure like I had not had since I started working at 15. It was going to be epic: two weeks at the family cottage, a gals road trip, a few weeks in town, and […]

What would you do with more time? In the early 70’s, I wanted nothing more than to be Laurie Partridge (aka Susan Dey.) She was everything: beautiful, talented (she sang! she played keyboards!) and oh so cool. As the oldest sibling in our tribute band, I imagined myself Laurie Partridge, taking centre stage, playing keyboards in a […]
Is Mental Fitness for you? It was for Joyce! My client Joyce* has worked in the nonprofit sector for the last 15 years. She didn’t intend to end up in nonprofit work. Her immigrant parents worked hard so that Joyce had the best education possible and at their urging, Joyce earned several degrees including an […]
In search of my ideal self I have played many roles in my life–daughter, sister, wife, mother, nonprofit leader, volunteer, friend, consultant. Children play dress up and teens often try on multiple identities as part of figuring out who they are. As adults, we can forget that we still have the ability to put […]
Yes, People Do Change. You Can Too! One of the expressions I heard while growing up was “leopards don’t change their spots.” While that’s literally true of leopards, we kids were supposed to understand this to mean that people don’t change. The bullies would stay bullies forever. The kid who stole my new boots from […]
“Push versus pull” has been on my mind lately because I’ve had writer’s block–a problem that I have had often in the past. Looking for a solution, last fall I signed up for a writing class. The class had really helped me free up my creativity. I had been writing with greater ease. […]

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us. And I’ve been feeling meh. Although I’ve had a great year overall, these 18 months have been stressful. Now that the time change has ushered in the November blues, I’m wanting to pull the bedcovers over my head and hibernate until spring. Or […]
Change is the Only Constant

Change is the Only Constant It’s a hackneyed phrase for sure. But that doesn’t make it wrong. Here in Ontario, budget cuts, elimination of needed programs and supports in health, the environment, and now arts and culture, are putting added pressure on already pressured non-profit leaders. It’s hard to know which way to turn. […]