Coaching executive coaching Leadership Leadership Coaching Life Coaching Mental Fitness Perspective Positive Intelligence positive mindset Saboteurs Sage Powers Values

You have to enter to win

In 1967, I won a silver dollar. It was a very exciting prize for a seven-year-old! To enter the contest, I had to colour-in a Smartie on a black and white picture inside the Smarties box and mail in the box. It was only by watching a tv ad, where an identical picture briefly lit-up […]

Coaching Leadership Leadership Coaching Life Coaching Mental Fitness Positive Intelligence positive mindset Saboteurs Sage Powers

From Self-Doubt to Success: How Consistency Transforms Your Mindset and Goals

Did you know you can leverage your brain to consistently make progress on your goals?    In early February I decided to write about consistency—why it matters, how hard it can be, and how to rewire our brains to be our ally. Many people feel deflated around mid-February when they realize that they have not […]

Coaching Leadership Leadership Coaching Life Coaching Mental Fitness Positive Intelligence positive mindset Saboteurs Sage Powers

Cultivating authentic leadership

Coaches talk about authenticity a lot. How to live an authentic life. How to be an authentic leader. How to know when you are or are not authentic.  But what does that really mean for nonprofit leaders like you? How do you cultivate authentic leadership? At Thanksgiving, one of my family members became seriously ill and […]

Coaching Leadership Leadership Coaching Life Coaching Mental Fitness Positive Intelligence positive mindset Saboteurs Sage Powers

Three steps to stop the burnout cycle

“It’s happening again! How do I stop from burning out?” This question really got to me. My client’s comment had me thinking about burnout in a different way, especially about how to prevent recurring burnout. I also thought about how my client’s question might resonate with you. Did you know burnout can be a recurring […]

Coaching Group Coaching Leadership Leadership Coaching Life Coaching Mental Fitness Positive Intelligence positive mindset Saboteurs Sage Powers Team Coaching

Discover the Power of the Present Moment: Overcoming Stress with Mental Fitness

I’m writing this while sitting on the deck at my family cottage. I’d be writing on the dock but our original dock has finally given up and we’re in the middle of getting a fancy new one. The old dock has been with us since the early days when my siblings and I would stay […]

Coaching Group Coaching Leadership Leadership Coaching Life Coaching Mental Fitness Positive Intelligence positive mindset Saboteurs Sage Powers Team Coaching

Why conditional happiness holds you back from real fulfilment

Did you know that we are at choice about how happy and fulfilled we are? Yes, truly! We are at choice about how happy we are. Let me show you what I mean. Any of these statements sound like you? I’ll be happy when I get that promotion. I’ll be happy when we meet our […]

Coaching Group Coaching Life Coaching Mental Fitness Positive Intelligence positive mindset Saboteurs Sage Powers Team Coaching Values

Do you keep your promises to yourself? Two ideas to make it easier.

Isn’t this spring crazy busy? I see you and how many conferences, grant applications, launches and openings you’ve got going on. I hope you’re taking time to stop and smell the hyacinths! In March, I was busy getting ready for the next cohort of Mental Fitness for Nonprofit Leaders.  I did a happy dance on […]

Coaching Group Coaching Life Coaching Mental Fitness Positive Intelligence positive mindset Saboteurs Sage Powers Team Coaching

Transform Restless to Relaxed in Five Steps

I have a foolproof way to know when spring is coming. No, I don’t rely on Groundhog Day or Easter chocolates appearing on store shelves. It’s the first day that someone in British Columbia posts a photo of daffodils. The collective moaning and kvetching from the rest of Canada is deafening. Everyone else feels grumpy […]

Coaching Life Coaching Mental Fitness Perspective Positive Intelligence positive mindset

New Year, New Perspectives

A day or two after New Year’s, my friend Jen posed a question: “Is everyone else having as much trouble getting back to work as I am?“ I was surprised by this question because for the first time in many years, I wasn’t having trouble getting back to work. In fact, I was happily anticipating […]

Coaching gratitude Life Coaching Mental Fitness Positive Intelligence positive mindset Values

The light returns and other happy thoughts

The light returns and other happy thoughts Winter solstice is today and, at last, the light returns!As a dear friend says, one of the benefits of getting older is that winter goes by so much faster than it used to. Still, knowing the sun is on the return has to be one of the year’s […]